A new Village-in-the-City Wave in China

Qing Su,  Manfredo Manfredini,  Ruyang Sun
School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland; 2SAFA Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University

A new Village-in-the-City Wave in China.  

I Villaggi Urbani di Seconda Generazione
in Cina. Da supplemento al “dormitory-labour regime” a ecosistemi dinamici collaborativi

in U+D JOURNAL n.20, 2024




CLICK HERE        Q Su M Manfredini R Sun

In the context of rapid Chinese urbanisation,
stemming from the shift from a centrally
planned economy to a socialist market economy,
urban villages emerge as a phenomenon
of significant socio-spatial relevance. These
villages constitute unique informal ecosystems
dynamically modulating the organizational and
governance legacy of indigenous socialist rural
communes with those of the extractivist processes
of modern transnational capitalism paradigm
that progressively infiltrate every urban system.
Urban villages play a crucial role in sustaining
millions of rural migrants facing challenging
living conditions resulting from the perpetual intensification
of abstraction, fragmentation, and
isolation caused by deeply disruptive, irregular,
and multi-scalar urban restructuring rooted in
exploitative logics driven by imperative exponential
capital growth. Recently, in highly developed
regions, a second generation of antagonistic
settlements has surfaced, characterized
by the formation of antagonistic local networks
for the collective reappropriation of capabilities
and means of production. Our analysis focuses
on their mode of production, emphasizing their
unique systemic configuration, commoning
practices, and technologically advanced collaboration.
We operationalise agonistic solidarity
theories based on the recognition of the Right
to the city, underscoring the centrality of inclusive
relational self-determination. We demonstrate
how these transformations are situated
and conjunctural. We argue that their origin as
semi-enclosed, subsidiary spill-overs of the factory-
dormitory exploitation system facilitates the
formation of a counter-labour force that transforms
them into laboratories for independent,
relational, and translocal entrepreneurship. We
assert that these villages have developed unique
spatial practices of recommoning that oppose
the denial of the Right to the city, and provide
a multiperspective description focused on their
collaborative agonistic pluralism, cosmopolitical
differentiation, and creative transindividuation.

Urban Morphology Following The Muratorian Tradition

Türkiye Kentsel Morfoloji Araştırma Ağı II. Kentsel Morfolojiumu Sempozy






     click here          Following Muratorian Tradition

The method of reading and design the built landscape I will briefly present you here, draw from studies taking place in Rome in the interwar period by scholars as Gustavo Giovannoni, Giovan Battista Milani, Arnaldo Foschini and continued by Saverio Muratori.
For the method I propose, the Roman School heritage is relevant mostly for notions as history’s centrality in built environment interpretation and the coincidence of reading and design. Architectural “redesign” was (and is) in fact considered as a tool to transmit the notion of process and organism intended as an “integrated, self-sufficient correlation of complementary elements expressing a unitary aim”. (Strappa, 2014).



               APRI LA LOCANDINA  def. corso roma3 2024


 8h March – Introduction. Meaning and utility of Urban Morphology for the contemporary architecture.

15h March – Course organization. Schedule. Presentation of the program. Student registration. Guest lecturer MARTIN  EBERT  Between revolution and reform

22h March  Base building: base elements: notion, forming process and relationship with urban pre-existence – Ghetto cartography – groups forming (max. 4 students). classroom exercise

29h March  Matter Material: notion, transformation process, contemporary condition. Classroom work.  design exsercise

5h April  Fabric -Urban Organism – Substrata: the physical form of the city:  notion, forming process; contemporary condition – classroom exercise. Guest lecturer  ATTILIO PETRUCCIOLI  The interpretation of urban fabrics in the eastern city.

12h April  Special building: forming process and contemporary examples. Architectural knotting: historic notion and transition to modernity. classroom exercise

 19h April  . Field Survey: on base building topics (F. De Rosa, R. Salamouni)

26h April  Territory: notion, forming process and contemporary condition. classroom exercise

 3h Maj  Field Survey on special  building topics.  classroom exercise

10h Maj  At the roots of architectural composition: the notions of assembly and aggregation in history and in the contemporary condition.  classroom exercise

17h Maj  Roman modern architecture. specific features of modern Roman architecture from U.M point of view. Guest lecturers R.CAPOZZI, F. VISCONTI  Space and Form in the architecture of Louis Kahn

 24h Maj  book presentation (?) –  Conclusion. and questions about the examination programme (unclear parts of the lectures, supplementary topics, etc.) Student opinions and suggestions.

31st May  Short recap/summary of the course main topics (for the examination)  Short (2 hours) pre-examination test (optional)

Base texts online

  1. Strappa, L’architettura come processo, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015

The main chapters translated into English can be found on the teacher’s website (http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/) and are indicated below:

.            Notes on base buildinghttp://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8400

.           The aggregation process and the form of the fabric, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8380

.           Special nodal building, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8159

.           Architectural knotting, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8414

.           G. Strappa, Territory as architecture, 2019 – http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8355

Base text in paper format

  1. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Interpreting basic building, Altralinea, Firenze 2017
  2. Scardigno, N , Salamouni, R, Architecture in the making, Conversation with Giuseppe Strappa on urban morphology and design, Springer, Cham, 2024 (In the process of publication)